What It Feels Like To Be New


12 weeks ago, I walked into a Jiu-Jitsu academy for a trial class. It was the first time in more than 10 years I was pursuing something completely new. Since then, I’ve come to realize how out of touch I really was with what it’s like for our clients to be new.

So much of our success rides on what our clients experience in the first few weeks of working with us and being a part of our community.

Here are 5 things we need to remember, but often forget, when training new clients:

1. They don’t know how things work before and after the session.

When I joined this Jiu-Jitsu academy, I was handed a small handbook to read prior to my first official day — and boy am I glad I did.

I learned that I had to bow when I came onto and walked off of the mat, I needed to face away from the mat when adjusting my gi, and I needed to greet others on the mat in rank order.

If I hadn’t read this book, I would have felt more out of place and uncomfortable than I already was feeling.

Here are some of the questions we need to answer for our new clients, preferably face-to-face, before they train with us (and don’t wait for them to be asked):

  • What time should they arrive for their session?

  • What should they do with the time before their session starts?

  • Do they know what clothes and shoes to wear?

  • Should they bring their own water and a towel?

  • Do they know where the locker rooms are and how to work the lockers?

  • Do they know what to do if they’re late for their session — reschedule, jump in when they arrive, warm up on their own then join in?

  • What’s the best way for them to ask for clarification, help, or coaching during the session?

  • What are they supposed to do if they’re not feeling well or they get injured during the session?

  • What is expected of them before and immediately after the session ends?

New clients want to know how to behave as if they are a seasoned member. It is our job to help them do that.

2. They’re nervous about introducing themselves to others and become extremely anxious when we ask them to partner up with someone.

I was surprised by how nervous I felt when introducing myself to other members for the first time. It was so unexpected that I laughed at myself. I’m a grown woman and I meet and train new people on a regular basis — why was I so nervous?!

Our clients feel the same way. They are the ‘new person’. Not only are they new, they are also likely less skilled than our existing members. We need to help them bridge that gap and take the initiative to introduce them to our most welcoming members (if we don’t see them doing it for themselves).

We also forget how scary it can be to work with a partner for the first time. As the new person, we assume no one wants to work with us because we will slow them down. Our approach? Stand to the side until everyone has paired off and see who’s left. This usually works out fine, but it’s probably not the most welcoming approach for new clients.

If you know you’re going to have a new client in class, plan for it.

Is there an existing member you can count on to welcome and pair up with the new member for their first session? If so, it’s worth talking to them. Let them know you’re going to have someone new joining and you’d like their help in creating a welcoming environment for this person. Give them the chance to say no, but don’t be surprised if they jump on the opportunity to help out.

3. They see our demo and hear our coaching, but forget everything the moment they try it for themselves.

Before starting Jiu-Jitsu, I had never practiced a martial art. I had no idea how much mind/body coordination needed to take place to perform a skill or drill correctly. After our class warm up, the teacher walks us through the skill or drill we will be practicing. For several minutes, he explains the moving parts, demonstrates what it looks like in slow motion, then puts it all together to show us what we’re working toward at full speed.

Seeing as I’ve been an athlete my entire life and am a coach myself, I felt confident in my ability to learn and execute what was being taught quickly.

I was wrong.

The moment my partner and I found a spot on the mat to practice the skill or drill, my mind went blank. It’s as if I had never seen or heard the demonstration at all. This was beyond frustrating. I just watched the teacher perform and explain the drill for 5 minutes, why couldn’t I remember?

It was only after several classes I realized my mistake. I was focusing on too many things at once. Instead, I decided to focus on one small piece of the skill or drill, master it, then add on the next piece.

We need to instruct our new clients to do the same.

We still need to explain and demo the skill or drill in full, but as soon as we’re done, we need to speak directly to our new clients and be clear on the ONE thing they need to focus on mastering. Once they master it, help them to identify the next piece.

4. They get frustrated when they finally begin to understand and do something correctly, only to find out it’s on to the next skill or drill.

When you learn something new and are finally able to execute it perfectly, you want to keep doing it. You get a rush of endorphins from the accomplishment and feel compelled to keep practicing so you don’t forget it. This is called engraving, and that natural instinct is there for a reason.

Our brains know that in order to become unconsciously competent at a skill, we need to do it over and over until it’s a habit.

If you are working with a client one-on-one this isn’t usually a problem. The client can spend more time on a specific skill or drill because there is no one else to accommodate. But groups are another story. We cannot spend more time on specific skills or drills simply to meet the needs of one individual in the group.

Even though that’s the case and our group clients would likely agree, they still might feel frustrated by that fact.

If you have a client who has recently mastered a skill or a drill, celebrate it. Make sure they feel supported and encourage them to continue to practice on their own time (before their sessions, after their sessions, at home).

Also, let them know the next time they can expect to see that skill or drill in their session. If they know they’ll see that skill or drill in a session next week, they can stop worrying about it and give their full attention to the next skill or drill.

5. Above all else, they want to be accepted by the group.

I started Jiu-Jitsu to put my athletic ability and strength to the test. But more than that, I started so I could meet new people and make new friends. Brendon and I recently moved to a new town, we know no one, and I work exclusively from home — this is a recipe for being a hermit.

Yes, our clients want to get in shape and achieve their health and fitness goals, but more than anything, they want to be part of a community.

It is our responsibility as coaches to create that culture.

The energy we bring to the group is contagious and what we choose to focus on is what the group ultimately focuses on.

Lead by example and celebrate the unique contributions of each individual in the group.